How to make your home appear larger

When selling your home or condo in Calgary you want to show off the space your have.  Most of us accumulate  stuff and our living spaces get full.  Make any room bigger by simply taking things out of the room,however finding storage space in the home can be challenging.

These days, we all just seem to have more stuff!

Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need to rent a storage locker or add a new room to your home to fit everything. One of the things I do annually is look around and if I have not used the item in the last year then I ask myself “Do I really still need this?”

There are many innovative ways to increase the capacity of the storage space you’re already using. For example, there are storage bins you can buy that are designed to fit neatly under a bed. Some have wheels, making the bins easy to pull out and access.

You’ve probably seen closet organizers at your local home improvement centre. These can easily double the storage capacity of a closet, while making the space look neater and more organized.

Finally, there are storage units available that are camouflaged as something else, such as an ottoman.

Visit your local Home Depot. There are many more innovative storage solutions available for your home.

If all else fails, renting a storage pod can be an excellent investment when selling your home.