Tips to Make Moving Easier

Have a yard sale – we all do it, we hold on to things you know you’re never really going to use again. Pick up everything you know you don’t want to take to your new place and sell it at a yard sale. No time for a yard sale? Give it away! Take it to the Salvation Army, Value Village, Homeless Shelter, anywhere you feel it could be used.

yard sale

Forget writing the room on each box – use color coded stickers or tape to save yourself some time. Make up a key for one person to hang on to, then as boxes start coming into the new home they will be easy to spot. To make it even easier you can put Post-It notes on the door frames of each room with the corresponding sticker. No need to worry that no one can read your writing, and no need to have anyone direct traffic.

colored tape

Use plastic wrap around your silverware tray – don`t unpack and resort your silverware, wrap plastic wrap around the whole thing then just unwrap and put away when you get to your new house. This trick works well for baskets and other small boxes or containers you might use to hang on to small items. The plastic wrap not only keeps everything where it belongs but protects everything inside from dirt and dust.


Use Ziploc bags to keep small drawer items together –  let’s face it we`re always going to have a junk drawer or two why bother trying to put it all in a designated box only to have to sort through it all once the move is done? Throw everything into a Ziploc bag and into the correct drawer once you’re moved into the new place, you can sort through the bags once everything else has been unpacked.

ziplock bag