House or Condo?

The Big Debate- House or Condo-The decision to buy a house or a condo is personal and a matter of lifestyle.

The Pros and Cons

Condos can be less money to get into, but you likely will pay a monthly condo fee. These fees will factor into your mortgage approval amount.

There are huge lifestyle differences when it comes to the house vs condo debate.
A condo comes with the benefit of less upkeep like not having to mow the lawn or shovel the walkway.

Others may prefer a home for that traditional neighborhood, family environment. Maybe the buyer loves the idea of a yard or garden to keep.

Yes, the Condo/House debate is truly a personal one.
After all, it is the buyer making the investment.

A professional can assist you with needed information. But in the end, it will be you who must decide what is important. Weigh the pros and cons for you, your family, and your lifestyle.