Keep Your Home Safe – Without Breaking the Bank

Keeping your home SafeYou want to keep your home safe from thieves, but you don’t want to spend a fortune doing so because, frankly, you don’t have a fortune worth stealing. Technology has significantly brought down the cost of home security systems and home surveillance cameras, many of which you can install yourself. But there are also many low-tech solutions that cost little or nothing that will keep your home safer from intruders.
Use your deadbolt lock. The basic lock on your doorknob isn’t really very good, Holloway says. Many knob locks can be defeated by simply grabbing the knob with, at most, a pipe wrench or with, at the least, two hands and twisting hard. The internal locking mechanism shears and the door can be opened, and this can all happen in a matter of seconds. This is an old burglar trick. Deadbolts are harder to defeat, and a cheap deadbolt is as good as an expensive one. The lock isn’t going to break, but it’s the doorjamb and the wood around the door that’s going to break.
Secure sliding glass doors. Many older doors are easy to open from the outside. Use a broom handle lying on its side on the track to prevent the door from being opened and deter intruders.
Make sure your home is well-lighted outside. Motion detector lights are inexpensive and an easy way to illuminate anyone who approaches the house. The reason for that is because the front door is commonly the most visible part of the house, and if there’s anything would-be burglars don’t want, it’s to be visible.
Make it look as if you’re home. Lights, radio and TVs on timers create the illusion that someone is home when you’re gone on vacation. Get a neighbor to pick up mail and newspapers when you’re away.