Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot at a glance!
This graph shows the 2 year trend of months of Inventory for all sectors in the Calgary Real Estate Market.
Notice this month how everything trended downwards making it a stronger market.

Current Report: November 1, 2019
A slightly new format this month and moving forward due to technology challenges with reading the graphs on a cell phone. This should help.
Below see all the stats (Info taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Monthly Stats Package.

Just a few comments on this month – These are my comments and my opinions.
It’s interesting how we are bucking the trend and October saw a stronger market in all Sectors.
Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate):
The good news is that we reversed what we lost in momentum last month. This month every sector saw a decline in the months of inventory (Absorption Rate) with the lowest decrease being Detached homes at -.39 and the largest with Attached Row homes at -.95.
Once again Detached homes moved into a balanced Market Position.
Calgary Listing Inventory
Calgary listing Inventory decreased in all sectors this month for a total of 396 listings less than one months ago. Typically, this is the trend we will see until the end of the year.
Calgary Sales:
Sales for October increased over September sales. Every sector increased a little for an increase of 76 sales over September. While this in not a big number it is substantial as typically October sees less sales than September.
Sales Compared to 2018:
October Sales compared to last year were 9.6% higher.
Last month we were 8.2% higher so this is a very good trend and hope it continues.
Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:
Prices for Detached homes, Attached Row Homes declined by $3,200 and $2,700 respectively.
Prices for Semi- detached remained flat while Apartment Condos increased by $2,600
Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate: What does this mean you might ask?
The inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month).
**Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns. This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges. If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know. If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.