Posts Tagged ‘about poly b plumbing’

Prevent Water Damage in your home!

Friday, September 2nd, 2022

In Real Estate, every day we run into Poly B Plumbing which was used in all homes built in Calgary between the early 1970’s and late 1990’s.  Poly B plumbing is proven to be prone to leaks.  It is interesting that some homes with Poly B plumbing leak and other homes with the same Poly B plumbing do not leak.  If you research Poly B plumbing you will find a huge number of opinion on why it is prone to leaking and what to do.

How do I know if I have Poly B in my Home

Poly B plumbing is easily identifiable. Go to either your furnace room or simply look under any one of your sinks.  Poly B plumbing is  grey in color. If any of your plumbing is grey you likely have Poly B plumbing.

What to do if I have Poly B?

Some people just decide to take the chance that theirs will not leak.  Others remove all the Poly B plumbing in their home and replace with the new standard of plumbing.  The cost to replace depends on the size and style of your home along with if the basement is developed or not.  Estimated I have heard go from $4000.00 to $15,000 and this is just the plumbing and does not include any holes you will need to repair in your drywall.

Another Solution

It is my understanding that leak prevention systems are now widely available.  The system connects close to the source (main water) and will detect if there is a leak. When a leak is detected it will shut off the water to your home preventing major water damage.  Your local plumber will be happy to install and they are relatively inexpensive.  If you have Poly B plumbing in your home I recommend you call your local plumber today and have one installed.