Posts Tagged ‘Before you sell’

How to Discourage Buyers from Buying Your Home

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Selling a home in Calgary is very competitive. If you’re listing your home

for sale, then of course you’ll want to make the best impression possible

for potential home buyers. But, just to have a little fun, say you don’t want

 to sell your property. What could you do to discourage those who view

your home? 

Well, you could have your pets in the home during showings. That will

certainly make it uncomfortable for some buyers – especially those

with pet allergies. 

You could also leave personal items around, such as family pictures

and trophies. That will make it more difficult for a buyer to imagine

himself and his family living there. It might even make him feel a bit

like an intruder! 

Clutter in bedrooms, closets and other areas of the home will make

those spaces feel less spacious than they really are, as well as make

visitors feel uncomfortable. 

If you really want to turn off a buyer, then put off doing any minor

repairs. A dripping tap, torn carpet, flickering lights, dent in the wall,

 or other maintenance issues are certain to gain a buyer’s attention.

 If all that doesn’t shoo away a buyer from your home, then stick

around during a viewing and follow him and his family from room to

room telling them everything you can about your home.  That will

certainly make him feel uneasy.

 Of course, we’re just having a bit of fun here. When you put your

home on the market, you want to sell it!

 It’s easy to avoid all the pitfalls described above and ensure potential

buyers appreciate the full value of your home.

 So when you’re preparing for showings, think of ways you can make

your property appear its best, and make the buyer feel welcomed and

comfortable viewing it.


10 things to do before putting your house up for sale

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Properly preparing your home for sale can increase its value dramatically and can reduce the amount of time it take to sell your home.   Homebuyers judge your home the minute they walk in and if you don’t catch their interest in the first 10 seconds you probably won’t.   Following are 10 things you can do to make sure you sell your home quickly for top dollar.  

Gord’s Top 10

  1. Keep it Clean:  Is every room neat, spotlessly clean and dusted.
  2. Lose the Clutter:  Have a yard sale, donate or simply start packing.  The less items in your house the larger your house will appear.  You are going to pack when you move anyway so why not start now.
  3. Create the Illusion of space:  Once you have de-cluttered it’s time to re-organize.   Ensure none of your furniture is blocking doorways. Is there excess furniture that can be stored while your home is for sale.  In home staging less is more!
  4. De-Personalize your home:  Make your home “anonymous’ so so that buyers can envision it as their home. 
  5. Freshen it up:  Are there low cost items that can be replaced to give it a fresh look?  In many cases the best investment is some paint!
  6. Make a Good First Impression:  Walking into a home with fingerprints on the door, clutter in the entranceway etc. can influence a potential homebuyer`s decision. 
  7. Enhance Curb Appeal:  Paint or wash the outside of your home, keep your lawn trimmed and flowerbeds weeded.  Clear the driveway of toys and or trash.
  8. Make modern Choices:  make sure that the decor of your home is modern and tasteful.  Replace dated furniture, wall coverings and window coverings. 
  9. Relocate the Pets:  Take your pets with you when your house is being shown.  Make sure your house is odor free and spotless and that pet toys are put away.
  10. Beautify the backyard:  Buyers will typically go out into the back yard so this area should also be in top shape.  Keep the lawn, hedges and flowerbeds manicured. Try to create an entertaining area with patio furniture.

The Ultimate test to see if you are ready.

 Go outside to your street and transform yourself info a Buyer for  10 minutes – walk up to and enter the home – then walk through your home looking from an outsiders perspective – is anything out-of-place, anything appear broken – this gives you a new perspective as you routinely come home and things just blend in after a while. Look at your home from a buyer`s perspective as buyers certainly will.

These tips brought to you by Gord Piper and Associates.  For more information on how to stage your home and get top dollar for your investment please contact us.

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