Strange Home Decor

March 20th, 2015

Strange Home Decor

Great Tips for Painting your Home

March 10th, 2015

Cover your paint trays with tinfoil for easy clean up.


Cut out the side of a milk jug to create a paint holder that’s easy to carry and has a built in brush holder too!



Tap nails into each leg when painting a small table or chairs – now you can get all the way around the legs!


Protect awkward objects with plastic wrap


If you plan to save a pint roller, store it in a Ziploc bag, and keep it in a Pringles can.

Just be sure to label it or you might make someone very, very sad



Use a rubber band to wipe excess paint on instead of the rim.

Along with preventing splatters, it will also keep the rim from getting all caked up



Store your leftover paint in a Rubbermaid Paint Buddy so you can easily make future touch-ups.


Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot, March 1, 2015

March 3rd, 2015

Stay ahead of the curve by following our Monthly Market Snapshot of the Calgary Real Estate Market. This shows what’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market. The market is driven by supply and demand so here we show the inventory (supply) and sales (demand) and the effect on the price of Calgary Real Estate. A simple way to keep up to date and ahead of most!

Below are the details along with a few comments, all numbers were taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Stats package for Realtors.

Want to see stats specific to your Community? Register for our Market Report at

Find out what your Neighbor’s home sold for – Register for our Market Report at


Calgary Real Estate Stats have changed.

The Calgary Real Estate Board just changed the operating system for Realtors and with that the monthly Stats categories have changed as well. Here is the categories.

Old Categories New Categories What’s changed
Single Family Home Detached Does not include attached homes
Condo Townhouse Attached Now includes Attached Homes
Condo Apartment Apartment Condos Same


What this means is simply that attached homes are now taken out of the Single family category and lumped in with the townhouse category. There are a few other classification changes but they are very small and won’t show in the stats. This will affect a few of the numbers below.


Oil Prices and the impact on the Calgary Real Estate Market.

I am certainly not going to predict the future here as I am not an expert in the Oil Industry. What I find interesting is that in what I have been reading there seems to be two sides

  • Optimists are predicting that we will be back to at least the 60 – 70 dollar oil by mid year
  • The pessimists are saying that we will be low forever or years anyway


My Stats summary below will show you the facts of what has happened to date and some short term predictions. Please note that the market shifted very fast and when oil prices rebound the market can shift very quickly in the other direction. The big question is when? And if you have the answer to that please share it with me.


Now onto the Stats Market Snapshot


Calgary Listing Inventory: Yes, listings are up again in all categories this month. In Feb we usually see an increase from January and will typically see listing numbers increase in the next 3 to 4 months.


Inventory Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Change
Detached 2359 2830 +471
Attached 950 1190 +240
Apartment 1117 1276 +159
Total City of Calgary 4426 5296 +870


Calgary Sales:

While we are down considerably from last year’s sales the sales increased substantially over January. What I noticed is that first 2 weeks of Feb were similar to January the last 2 weeks picked up.

Sales Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Change % Change
Detached 535 739 +204 +38.1%
Attached 190 261 +71 +37.3%
Apartment 155 217 +62 +40.0%
Total City of Calgary 880 1217 +337 +39.3%



Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

Prices in all categories decreased this month. The largest decrease is in Apartment condos which have the highest inventory compared to sales. This trend will continue as long as the absorption rates stay where they are.

Sales Prices Jan 2014 Benchmark Price Feb 2015 Benchmark Price Change
Detached 518,600 516,000 -2,600
Attached 356,000 354,600 -1,800
Apartment 298,700 296,000 -2,700
Total City of Calgary 459,100 456,300 -2,800


Sales Prices “Year to Date”

Year to date prices – Again, all categories decreased but none substantially.

Sales Prices Dec 31, 2014 Benchmark Price Feb 2015 Benchmark Price Change


% Change
Detached 518,600 516,000 -$2,600 -.5%
Attached 356,200 354,600 -$2,200 -.61%
Apartment 300,400 296,000 -$4,400 -1.45%
Total City of Calgary 459,500 456,300 -$3,200 -.7%



Absorption Rate (Months of Inventory)  (the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month). What does this mean you might ask?

Buyer’s Market >4.0 Drives prices down
Balanced Market Between 2.8 to 4.0 Prices typically remain stable
Seller’s Market <2.8 Drives prices up


*** Absorption Rate:

The absorption rate decreased for all categories. What this means is that the relation to sales over inventory decreased. This change put detached homes back into a balanced market while all other categories stayed in a Buyers Market.

Absorption Rate Jan 2015 Feb 2015   Change
Detached 4.41 3.83 -.58
Attached 5.0 4.56 -.44%
Apartment 7.21 5.88 -1.33%
Total City of Calgary 5.03 4.35 -.68%


**Please note that these numbers do change on a community basis and more so for towns. If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know. If you have any questions about this summary, the attached stats package or any Real Estate questions please feel free to contact us.



Home and Garden Show 2015

February 25th, 2015

We’ll be at the Calgary Home and Garden Expo! Ready to answer all of your real estate questions as well as test your golfing skills! Stop by, grab a chocolate (or two) and enter into a draw to win a BBQ. While you’re there check out some of the benefits our team has to offer. See examples of how we price your home, the odds of selling in today’s market, find information on the rental market, investment properties, acreages and more! If you’re bringing the kids down on Sunday make sure they get a balloon animal and their face painted.


Common Mistakes When Selling Your Home

February 19th, 2015

Home Selling Mistakes

Encore at Kincora

February 18th, 2015


Welcome to Encore at Kincora, surrounded by parks, golf courses, schools and amenities with easy access to Stoney Trail.  This beautiful 2 bedroom plus den apartment features a spacious balcony perfect for entertaining. Built in 2014 this unit is in like new conditions with granite counter tops throughout, stainless steel appliances that are less than a year old and a 3 piece ensuite. Perfect for a first time home buyer that may have a renter or roommate. Two side by side titled parking stalls are included with enough room to store your winter tires.

Tips to Make Moving Easier Part 2

February 10th, 2015

Use a trash bag to quickly pack hanging cloths – Don’t bother to take clothes off the hangers, you’ll only have to put them back on when you get to your new house. I prefer to use garbage bags with the draw strings just tuck everything from the bottom up into the bag, pull the strings and leave the hanger hooks out of the top, then you just have to get rid of the bag once it’s hanging up in your new closet!

trash bag

Fill your rolling suitcases with your heavy items – books are heavy and there’s nothing worse than ripped boxes or worse pulled backs. If you pack your heavy items in rolling suitcases you won’t have to worry about carrying these items the whole time you are moving them. Just make sure you aren’t bumping the wheels down the stairs if you are over the weight capacity of the bag.


Leave lighter items in your drawers – when moving side tables, desks, nightstands and dressers leave the light stuff in the drawers, once less thing to unpack!


Pack a first day box – Put all your essentials in here: toilet paper, tooth brushes, medications, anything you can’t go 24 hours without. Nothings worse than madly searching through boxes while your toddler does their pee dance behind you.

Relax – once everything is in your house make sure you take the time to celebrate your new home with anyone who helped you move in. Crack open some wine or champagne, order a pizza, and enjoy your new surroundings!


Things To Do This Weekend

February 6th, 2015

Skating Party at Bowness Park

It’s a party and you’re invited! The City of Calgary Parks, in partnership with the Bowness Community Association, is planning a skating party at Bowness Park on Saturday, February 7 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. This celebration is a chance for local residents and citizens from across the city to visit the newly redeveloped park. Enjoy good company, free entertainment and refreshments!

Officials from The City of Calgary and Province of Alberta will give brief speeches at an official opening ceremony at noon.

February Classic II

The second show jumping event of the Classic Series, the February Classic II takes to the indoor confines of the Spruce Meadows Equip-Plex. The February Classic II is an excellent warm-up to the 2015 season. You and your family are welcome to join us and watch the competitions, wander through the barns and enjoy a hot chocolate in the stands. Admission and parking are complimentary. For a full schedule click here

Travel Expo

Want to be the first to hear about the hottest destinations for 2015? From the latest travel trends to all your old favorites, we’ve got every corner of the globe covered and want to get you there! Amazing one-time deals massive saving and priceless expert travel advice await you.

Where: North building, Call C, Calgary TELUS Convention Centre, 136 8 Ave SE

When: Saturday February 7, 2015

Admission: Free

Calgary Boat & Sportsmen’s Show

In addition to the exhibition: Young outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty to entertain and keep them occupied at the Show. The Trigger X Kids Fishing Pond is a catch and release program for kids under the age of 12 to try their hand at trout fishing (by donation). Also Alberta Birds of Prey Show.

Admission Prices

Adult $14.00

Juniors (6-15) $8.00

Seniors (Ages 65+) $10.00

Children (Under 6 years) Free when accompanied by an adult

Family Pass (2 Adults & 2 Juniors) $35.00

Click here for more details

Wednesday’s Joke

February 4th, 2015

<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-988" casino src=”” alt=”Gord Realtor” width=”490″ height=”275″ />

Tips to Make Moving Easier

February 3rd, 2015

Have a yard sale – we all do it, we hold on to things you know you’re never really going to use again. Pick up everything you know you don’t want to take to your new place and sell it at a yard sale. No time for a yard sale? Give it away! Take it to the Salvation Army, Value Village, Homeless Shelter, anywhere you feel it could be used.

yard sale

Forget writing the room on each box – use color coded stickers or tape to save yourself some time. Make up a key for one person to hang on to, then as boxes start coming into the new home they will be easy to spot. To make it even easier you can put Post-It notes on the door frames of each room with the corresponding sticker. No need to worry that no one can read your writing, and no need to have anyone direct traffic.

colored tape

Use plastic wrap around your silverware tray – don`t unpack and resort your silverware, wrap plastic wrap around the whole thing then just unwrap and put away when you get to your new house. This trick works well for baskets and other small boxes or containers you might use to hang on to small items. The plastic wrap not only keeps everything where it belongs but protects everything inside from dirt and dust.


Use Ziploc bags to keep small drawer items together –  let’s face it we`re always going to have a junk drawer or two why bother trying to put it all in a designated box only to have to sort through it all once the move is done? Throw everything into a Ziploc bag and into the correct drawer once you’re moved into the new place, you can sort through the bags once everything else has been unpacked.

ziplock bag