Open Houses

January 30th, 2015

We’ve got some great properties that we will be hosting open houses at this weekend. View them below then come check them out in person! Locations and time of these open houses can be found here.


Wednesday’s Joke

January 28th, 2015

Baby Realtor

Why Winter is The Best Time To Buy

January 26th, 2015

Buying in the winter

We Couldn’t Have Done it Without You

January 22nd, 2015

We’re honored to have been named one of the top producing teams in CIR Realty this year! We couldn’t have done it without the support of our clients and families. A big thank you to everyone! Top Producers

Prime Reduction

January 22nd, 2015

A great article about the reduction of the overnight rate by the Bank of Canada and what it could mean for you

Bob's Forcast 2

Open Houses

January 19th, 2015

There’s a new feature on our website – exclusively for open houses! Check it out here

Open House - Sad Puppy

CREB’s 2015 Market Forecast

January 15th, 2015

Yesterday was CREB’s economic outlook for 2015 taking a look at all things housing and economy for the year to come. Here’s a brief summary of CREB’s forecast for the upcoming year! For more information you can visit their website



Your Home at a glance

January 2nd, 2015

Have you ever driven up to a restaurant and your first impression was
disappointing? Perhaps the windows looked dark and gloomy, the façade
was worn and unattractive or for some other reason it just didn’t look like a
tempting place to eat.
It could still be a fantastic restaurant – a real gem. But, your first impression
has soured your anticipation. If you still walk through the front door, it will
likely be with the expectation of being disappointed.
This scenario often plays out in the real estate market as well.
A buyer drives up to a home for sale and quickly forms an impression based
on what he sees “from the curb”. That’s why you’ll hear real estate experts
talk about the importance of “curb appeal”. It’s one of the most important
selling points of a property.
If you plan to put your home on the market, you obviously want your home
to look as attractive as possible from the street. Fortunately, there are many
simple things you can do to improve curb appeal.
For example, you can trim shrubs and hedges, plant flowers, clean the
walkway and driveway, paint the front door and garage door, and clean the
exteriors of the windows. All these projects are relatively easy and
inexpensive. Yet, each can make a dramatic improvement to how your
home looks at first glance.
Don’t be like the great restaurant that’s hidden behind an unkept façade.
Make sure your curb appeal reflects the overall value of your property.
Looking for more advice on selling your home quickly and for the best price?
Call today

Jan. 2015 Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot

January 2nd, 2015

Stay ahead of the curve by following our Monthly Market Snapshot of the Calgary Real Estate Market. This shows what’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market. The market is driven by supply and demand so here we show the inventory (supply) and sales (demand) and the effect on the price of Calgary Real Estate. A simple way to keep up to date and ahead of most!

Below are the details along with a few comments, all numbers were taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Stats package for Realtors.

Want to see stats specific to your Community? Register for our Market Report at

Find out what your Neighbor’s home sold for – Register for our Market Report at

An interesting month in the Calgary Real Estate Market.  Yes, Sales numbers for December dropped but the real question should be “Is this an annual trend or is it due to the price of oil?  Keep reading to find out.  Attached please find a copy of the stats package from the Calgary Real Estate Board for the month of December 2014.   Below is a summary of some key areas with a few short comments.


Calgary Listing Inventory:  As I would expect, all Inventory levels decreased this last month.  Inventories typically decrease at this time of year as many people wait until the New Year to list.  Of interest for the first 6 months of the year our inventory hovered about 600 listings lower than 2013 and for the last half of the year our inventory hovered about 600 listings online casino higher than last year.


Inventory  Nov  2014    Dec 2014 Change
Single Family Home 2373 1985 -388
Condo  Townhouse 511 434 -77
Condo  Apartment 985 823 -162
Total 3869 3242 -627


Calgary Sales: 

Typically at this time of year we also see sales numbers decreasing.  Sales in December decreased in all categories.  Yes, this drop looks drastic but wait…… This year the drop from November to December was 39.2% and for 2013 the drop was 32.1%  Still a drop but not as drastic as it appears.


Sales Nov  2014    Dec 2014 Change % Change
Single Family Home 1181 708 -473 -40.0
Condo  Townhouse 277 157 -120 -43.3
Condo Apartment 324 218 -106 -32.7
Total 1782 1083 -699 -39.2



Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:  

In December the benchmark price decreased very slightly for all categories.  The change is so small it’s really insignificant.   Now that we have moved to a balanced market position pricing should remain stable.

  Sales Prices Nov  2014    Benchmark Price  Dec 2014 Benchmark Price Change
Single Family Homes 511,300 510,900 -$400
Condo Townhouse 338,600 337,300 -$1300
Condo  Apartment 300,700 300,300 -$400


Sales Prices “Year to Date”   

Year to date prices – Prices have increased in all categories and exceeded most predictions for what would happen in 2014.  Good news if you are a homeowner.

Sales Prices Dec  31 2013  Benchmark Price  Dec 2014 Benchmark Price Change$ % Change
Single Family Homes 472,200 510,900 37,800 8.0
Condo Townhouse 307,100 337,300 30,200 9.8
Condo  Apartment 278,600 300,300 21,700 7.8



Absorption Rate (Months of Inventory)   (the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month). What does this mean you might ask?

Buyer’s Market >4.0
Balanced Market Between 2.8 to 4.0
Seller’s Market <2.8


*** Absorption Rate:   

This month the absorption rate increased for all categories.  If you have been following my stats this is the largest change that we have seen in some time.   Townhouses remain in a sellers market position  but both Condos and Single Family homes have moved into a balanced market position.


Absorption Rate   Nov  2014    Dec 2014 Change
Single Family Homes 2.01 2.80 .79
Condo Townhouse 1.84 2.76 .92
Condo  Apartment 3.04 3.78 .74
Total Calgary 2.17 2.99 .82


**Please note that these numbers do change on a community basis and more so for towns.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary, the attached stats package or any Real Estate questions please feel free to contact us.




CREB® supports Condominium Property Amendment Act

December 13th, 2014

New bill is a win for consumers and the real estate industry

CREB® supports the provincial government in tabling the Condominium Property Amendment Act this week and bringing over 50 amendments for enhanced consumer protection and stronger governance within the condominium industry. In particular, the new Act will regulate a disclosure of information related to the sale and governance of condominium units.

“Information is power, and these changes will empower consumers and REALTORS® to make more informed purchasing decisions,” said Bill Kirk, CREB® president. “In a particular, it will create clarity around reserve funds and special assessments, and reduce those surprises for consumers on things like special levies.”

The amendments include the creation of a condominium tribunal, that reduces the time and costs associated with dispute resolution between condo owners and corporations. As well, there will be increased regulation of the industry with the introduction of licensing requirements for condominium managers by the Real Estate Council of Alberta.

As a stakeholder in industry consultations, CREB® is pleased to see its members’ concerns addressed in the amendments. The Act is a positive direction towards the modernization of condominium legislation and reflects the changes to the industry since the Condominium Property Act was first introduced in 2000.

“Thanks to the input of owners, their associations and over 4,000 Albertans, Bill 9 makes intelligent and purposeful changes to protect current and future condo owners, brings consistency for condo developers and provides structure and stability to governance for condo boards,” said Stephen Khan, Minister of Service Alberta. “We followed the leadership of Albertans to develop legislation, and will continue to work with them to implement it.”

Service Alberta indicates most of the regulations from the Bill will be implemented over the next year. CREB® looks forward to the implementation of the amendments and continuing to serve as advocates on issues that affect its members.

There are over 320,000 condominium owners in the province and condominium sales account for approximately 20 percent of residential sales annual.


To view an overview of the changes click here