Archive for the ‘Market Snapshot’ Category

Covid 19 affect on the Calgary Real Estate Market

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

The market is simply a result of Supply and Demand therefore we look at both Supply (inventory) and Demand (Sales) and the relationship between the two.  We also update you on the current benchmark price for all housing sectors.

Following is a graph that shows the months of inventory for each Sector.  Looking at a 2-year trendline gives you and indication of where things are really heading.

Graph shows the 2 year trend of Months of Inventory for all housing categories in the Calgary Real Estate Market.

Following is a summary of what I deem to be the most important numbers.  Again, we look at Total Inventory, Sales for the past 30 days, Months of Inventory and of course the benchmark price.  All numbers are taken from the Calgary Real Estate boards monthly stats package.


CREB Stats for March 2020


Gord’s commentary for the month (just my opinion).


First and Most importantly to really understand what is happening it is critical for you to be clear on two things.

  1. Once a home receives an offer there is a delay of 5 to 10 days for the buyers to remove their conditions such as financing, home inspection etc. What this means is listings that are reported sold today actually got sold between 5 to 10 days ago resulting in what I call a lag time.  In a normal market this does not greatly affect stats but when sales are rapidly declining like they have been this in my opinion becomes important.
  2. The Covid-19 actions for social distancing did not start until part way through the month and they got stronger as the month progressed.


Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

In March the overall months of inventory increased slightly. Increases were seen in Detached (.23) Semi-Detached (1.22) and Attached Row (.67) sectors while the absorption rate decreased in the Apartment Condo sector (.33).

Calgary Listing Inventory

Listing Inventory increased slightly where with the largest increase being in Detached homes with an increase of 175. Typically, in March we would see a large increase in listings.  With Covid-19 we are seeing some Seller’s withdraw their listings as they do not want people coming through their home currently. Other sellers are just not listing yet.

Calgary Sales:

I am a little surprised that in March we sold only 21 homes less than in February.  This in my opinion is a result the sales lag and Covid hitting mid month.  You will see a much steeper drop in April.

Sales Compared to 2019:

Sales in all sectors for January 2020 were 7.6% higher than in January 2019.

Sales in all sectors for February 2020 were 23% higher than in February 2019.

Sales in all sectors for March 2020 were 88.7% on Sales in March 2019 – 12.3% Lower


Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

Prices increased in Detached and Semi-Detached sectors while decreasing in the Attached-Row and Apartment Sectors. The changes were minor except for the Apartment condo sector losing $5,100.


It’s also important to note that these numbers vary by community, and by price range.  If you would like numbers for your community contact us.





What’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

The market is simply a result of Supply and Demand therefore we look at both Supply (inventory) and Demand (Sales) and the relationship between the two.  We also update you on the current benchmark price for all housing sectors.

Following is a graph that shows the months of inventory for each Sector.  Looking at a 2 year trendline gives you and indication of where things are really heading.

Calgary Real Estate Board  Summary of Key Stats


Following is a summary of what I deem to be the most important numbers.  Again, we look at Total Inventory, Sales for the past 30 days, Months of Inventory and of course the benchmark price.  All numbers are taken from the Calgary Real Estate boards monthly stats package.

Key Stats for the Calgary Real Estate Market


Gord’s commentary for the month (just my opinion).


Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

Through January our Absorption rate increased for all housing sectors. The smallest increase was in the detached sector at +.25 and the largest was in the Attached Row Sector at +1.34

This means the listing increase is outpacing the sales increase  and it is putting us in a stronger buyers market for all sectors.

Calgary Listing Inventory

Inventory increased in every sector in January.  Most sectors increased somewhat equally except the Apartment condo sector that increased by 16.1% compared to the total increase of 11.6%

Increasing inventory is normal as many people wait till the holidays are over to list.  This is a trend that we expect to see for the next several months.

 Calgary Sales:

Sales in Detached homes and Apartment Condos increased marginally over December which is a normal trend.  Sales in the Semi-Detached and Attached Row homes declined ever so slightly. We also had about 10 Days of bitter weather which keeps buyers indoors.

Sales Compared to 2018:

Sales in all sectors increased over 2018 for a total increase of 8% over 2019.

 Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

Prices in all sectors declined a little this month.  The lowest decrease was in the Detached home sector and the largest decline was in the Apartment Condo Sector

Calgary Real Estate Benchmark Prices Year to Date – Same as for the month.

It’s  also important to note that these numbers vary by community, and also by price range.  If you would like numbers for your community contact us.













What’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

What’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?  The market is simply a result of Supply and Demand therefore we look at both supply (inventory) and Demand (Sales) and the relationship between the two.  We also update you on the current benchmark price for all housing sectors.

First here is a graph that shows the months of inventory for each Sector.  Looking at a 2 year trendline gives you and indication of where things are really heading.


Following is a summary of what I deem to be the most important numbers.  Again we look at Total Inventory, Sales for the past 30 days, Months of Inventory and of course the benchmark price.  All numbers are taken from the Calgary Real Estate boards monthly stats package.


Gord’s comments – Just my opinion

A few comments on this month. 

Merry Christmas and Happy new year.  Yes, you will see major change this month, but this is 100% normal as everyone is focused on the holidays and not on Real Estate.  Here are my comments.


Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

The larger changes were semi-detached decreasing by .72 and Apartment Condos which increased by .96   Every other sector was less than .25 of a change so fairly stable.


Calgary Listing Inventory

Every sector declined giving us 1327 less listings today than a month ago.  As above this is a seasonal trend and starting January, we will start to see these numbers rise again.


Calgary Sales:

Sales for December declined in all sectors, and again this is to be expected.  Sales declines were the highest in the Detached home and Apartment Condo sectors and were much lower in the Semi-Detached sector.


Sales Compared to 2018: 

Although sales from Nov to Dec dropped, the sales for Dec 2019 were 8% higher than sales in Dec 2018.  This in my opinion is important as we are starting to show more stability in the Market.


Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

Prices in the Attached – Row and Apartment condo sectors increased marginally (by 1,300 & 900 respectively).

Prices in Detached and Semi-Detached decreased marginally (1,400 & 2,200 respectively)


Calgary Real Estate Benchmark Prices Year to Date

As might be expected, all sectors saw a decrease in prices in 2019.

Detached homes:  Declined by $1.900 or .27%

Semi-Detached:  Decreased by $6,200 or 2.34%

Attached Row: Decreased by $1,400 or 1.87%

Apartment: Decreased by $2,300 or 1.07%

Overall Calgary Market:  Decreased by $2,600 or .6%


It’s also important to note that these numbers vary by community, and also by price range.  If you would like numbers for your community contact us.









What’s happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?


Graph shows the 2 year trend of Months of Inventory for all housing categories in the Calgary Real Estate Market.


Current Report: December 1, 2019

Below see all the stats (Info taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Monthly Stats Package.

Gord’s Commentary 

A few comments on this month. 

Overall the market softened a little in November.

 Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

November saw a different picture for each Sector although they all saw increases:

Detached homes increased by .14

Semi-Detached increased by 1.37

Attached Row increased by .88

Apartment increased by 1.61

Total Market increased by .56

Calgary Listing Inventory

Calgary listing inventory decreased in all sectors this month for a total of 635 listings less than one month ago. The largest decrease came in the Detached Sector with a decrease of 463 listings. Typically, this is the trend we will see until the end of the year.

Calgary Sales:

Sales for November decreased 287 or 19.83% down from October sales.  Every sector decreased a little with the largest decrease being in the Detached sector of 142 less.  Sales decreasing in November is a very typical for the month.

Sales Compared to 2018: 

November Sales were 98.9% of last years sales so we are down by only 12 sales from November 2018.

 Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

Prices for Detached homes showed an increase in Benchmark price of $100.  Semi-Detached, Attached Row, and Apartments all saw decreased this month.

Semi-detached decreased by 7,100

Attached Row decreased by 6,700

Apartment Condos decreased by 3,600


Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate: What does this mean you might ask?

The inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month).


**Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns. This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.




















What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Friday, November 1st, 2019

Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot at a glance!

This graph shows the 2 year trend of months of Inventory for all sectors in the Calgary Real Estate Market.

Notice this month how everything trended downwards making it a stronger market.

Current Report: November 1, 2019

 A slightly new format this month and moving forward due to technology challenges with reading the graphs on a cell phone.  This should help.

Below see all the stats (Info taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Monthly Stats Package.


Just a few comments on this month – These are my comments and my opinions. 

 It’s interesting how we are bucking the trend and October saw a stronger market in all Sectors.

 Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

The good news is that we reversed what we lost in momentum last month. This month every sector saw a decline in the months of inventory (Absorption Rate) with the lowest decrease being Detached homes at -.39 and the largest with Attached Row homes at -.95.

Once again Detached homes moved into a balanced Market Position.

Calgary Listing Inventory

Calgary listing Inventory decreased in all sectors this month for a total of 396 listings less than one months ago. Typically, this is the trend we will see until the end of the year.

 Calgary Sales:

Sales for October increased over September sales.  Every sector increased a little for an increase of 76 sales over September.  While this in not a big number it is substantial as typically October sees less sales than September.

Sales Compared to 2018: 

October Sales compared to last year were 9.6% higher.

Last month we were 8.2% higher so this is a very good trend and hope it continues.

 Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

Prices for Detached homes, Attached Row Homes declined by $3,200 and $2,700 respectively.

Prices for Semi- detached remained flat while Apartment Condos increased by $2,600

Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate: What does this mean you might ask?

The inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month).

 **Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns.  This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.


What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

Graph shows the 2 year trend of months of inventory for every Sector of the Calgary Real Estate Market.

Current Report: October 1, 2019

 Below see all the stats (Info taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Monthly Stats Package).

Gord’s commentary – Just my opinion 

Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

A substantial change this month. Every sector increased by about.5 except Semi Detached increased even more at 1.44. One month does not make a trend but this is the opposite direction that we have been going in so let’s keep watching.

Calgary Listing Inventory

Through September our total listing inventory decreased by 169 listings.  Of this 118 were in the detached sector and the rest remained flat. This is to be expected as after the summer listings always slow down.

Calgary Sales:

Sales for September were 210 less than in August.  Of this 118 were in the detached sector again.  This again is a normal trend as sales always go down in September and you will see this trend until the new year.

Sales Compared to 2018: 

September Sales compared to last year were 8.2% higher.

Last month we were 6.0% higher so this is a very good trend and hope it continues.

 Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

September saw an overall decrease in Benchmark price of $1100.  The sector that got hit the worst was the Attached row house which lost $3,800.  The only sector that showed an increase was the detached home sector and this was driven by homes under $500,000.

Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate: What does this mean you might ask?

The inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month).


**Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns.  This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.



What is happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market- Sept 1, 2019

Wednesday, September 4th, 2019

What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?


Graph shows the 2 year trend of Months of Inventory for all housing categories in the Calgary Real Estate Market.

Current Report: September 1, 2019

 A slightly new format this month and moving forward due to technology challenges with reading the graphs on a cell phone.  This should help.

Below see all the stats (Info taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Monthly Stats Package.


Gord’s Commentary

 Current Months of Inventory (Absorption Rate): 

The big change here is that Semi-Detached homes months of inventory decreased by 59.  This is a large change and is moving closer toward a balanced market.

Detached homes increased by .26 but are still sitting in a balanced market.  Of interest if you look at this number for detached homes under $500,000 it puts us into a Sellers market in many communities.  Apartment and Attached-Row homes moved up but only by .14


Calgary Listing Inventory

Through August our Listing Inventory decreased slightly in all housing sectors for a total of 127 less listings on Sept 1st than on Ang 1st.   In my opinion this is a seasonal trend with less people selling due to back to school etc.

 Calgary Sales:

Sales for August decreased for detached homes by 87, Attached Row homes and Apartment Condos decreased by 10 and 9.  Semi Detached homes increased by 14.

Overall change is 62 less sales which is identical to last year so I’m going to call it a seasonal adjustment.

 Sales Compared to 2018: 

August sales over 2019 were 106.3% on August sales in 2018.  This is the exact same number as last month.

Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

August saw detached homes increase by $7000 – I believe this is driven by homes under $500,000 where we are seeing a Seller’s market.  All other sectors were within $1000 so really no change.

Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate: What does this mean you might ask?

The inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month).

 **Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns.  This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.














What is happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market? August 1, 2019 Snapshot

Thursday, August 1st, 2019


What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market

Graph shows the 2 year trend of Months of Inventory for all housing categories in the Calgary Real Estate Market.

 Calgary Real Estate Market Months of Inventory


August 1, 2019  Market Snapshot Report 


Detached homes move into a balanced market position.

Apartment Condos Months of Inventory drops by 1.11

Semi Detached Months of Inventory Increases by 1.02

Here are the number’s for July 2019


A short explanation of the above numbers including highlights.

Current Months of Inventory: 

Through July our Months of Inventory is all over the map.   Apartment Condo’s dropped by 1.11 which is a large change.  At the same time Semi – Detached homes increased by 1.02 again a big jump.  Detached homes, Attached Row and the total for Calgary all increased marginally.


Calgary Listing Inventory

In July, our inventory decreased in all sectors.  The decreased inventory is due to less new listings hitting the market and stronger sales.


Calgary Sales:

Sales for July decreased in all categories except Apartment Condos which increased only marginally.  This to me is an interesting number as sales normally trend downward from June to July as we have the Calgary Stampede and Summer Vacations are getting underway.  This in my opinion is a sign that the strength of Calgary Real Estate Market is getting better.


Sales Compared to 2018: 

June 2019 was 93.9% of  June 2018 sales

July 2019 was 106.4% of July 2018 Sales so a very good improvement.


Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

July prices remained very similar to June’s prices.  The largest change is in Attached-Row houses which increased by $2,100



**Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns.  This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.

Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot July 1, 2019

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Lets look at the number of months of Inventory AKA Absorption Rate



 Current Report: July 1, 2019

 A slightly new format this month and moving forward due to technology challenges with reading the graphs on a cell phone.  This should help.  New format shows all numbers first and then my comments.


Current Months of Inventory: 

Through June our Months of Inventory increased in all categories except Attached Row houses.   The only Substantial increase is in Apartment Condos which increased by 1.58, Attached Row decreased by .38

Interesting to note that Detached Homes and Semi- Detached homes are trending in a Balanced Market.  Attached Row Houses is in a buyer’s Market and Apartment Condos are still very much in a buyer’s market.

Calgary Listing Inventory

In June, our inventory rose in all Detached homes and Apartment Condos and we saw decreases in Semi Detached and Attached Row Houses.  Overall increase was just 74 listings so not substantial.

 Calgary Sales:

Sales for June decreased in all categories except Attached Row which increased only marginally.

The largest decrease was in the Apartment condo sector which decreased by 16.83%.  Overall sales decreased by 7.34% for the month.

 Sales Compared to 2018: 

In May we were 11.4% above last May’s sales.  In June we are 6.1% down from last year so things seem to be settling out a bit.

 Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

June saw price increases in Detached and Semi Detached and we saw decreases in Attached Row houses and Apartment Condos.  Note the price increases in the detached sector is being driven by homes under $500,000.  Which are moving very quickly.

Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate – What does this mean you might ask? It’s the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month).

  **Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns.  This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.


Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot: June 1, 2019

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

What is really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market?


If you are new to our Monthly Snapshot please scroll to bottom for explanation.



                                                  Current Report: June 1, 2019


Current Months of Inventory: 

More good news for the Real Estate Market this month.  All housing sectors decreased in the months of inventory with the highest decrease being in the Apartment Condo sector and a close 2nd for Semi- Detached. Of Special note both Detached Homes and Semi-Detached homes moved into balanced market territory.


End of April 2019 May 2019 Change
Detached 3.97 3.32 -0.65
Semi Detached 4.63 3.91 -0.72
Attached – Row 5.29 4.98 -0.31
Apartment 6.16 5.25 -0.91
Total City 4.57 3.89 -0.68


 Calgary Listing Inventory

In May, our inventory rose in all categories which is very normal for this time of year.


Inventory (End of) April 2019 May 2019 Change
Detached 3691 3921 230
Semi Detached 773 793 20
Attached – Row 1053 1100 47
Apartment 1546 1653 107
Total City 7063 7467 404


 Calgary Sales:

Sales for May increased in all sectors compared to April.   Sales increasing is again an expected change as we move into the spring market. The good news is that sales increases are outpacing listing inventory moving the entire market closer to balanced.


Calgary Sales  April 2019 May 2019 Change % Change
Detached 930 1182 252 27.10%
Semi Detached 167 203 36 21.56%
Attached – Row 199 221 22 11.06%
Apartment 251 315 64 25.50%
Total City 1547 1921 374 24.18%



***Sales Compared to last year***

In April our sales showed an increase over last April which is the first time in a few years that this has happened.  Hoping the trend continues.


  Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2018 102% 82% 72% 80% 82% 89% 95% 93% 85.9% 89.9% 83.0 78.6
2019 83.8% 89.6% 97.1% 102.2% 111.4


 Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:

May saw price increases in all sectors except Apartment Condos.  Being that apartment condos have the highest months of inventory of all sectors, this is an expected result.

  Sales Prices Apr 2018     Benchmark Price  May 2019   Benchmark Price Change
Detached 478,700 487,900 9,200
Semi Detached 395,300 397,700 2,400
Attached – Row 284,900 286,500 1,600
Apartment 250,400 248,200 -2,200
Total City 415,900 424,600 8,700



Sales Prices “Year to Date”  

This is a positive month as the Detached sector moved into positive territory for the year, Semi-detached are almost break even while apartment Condos and Row Houses still have a ways to go.

Sales Prices Jan 2019    Benchmark Price  May 31, 2019    Benchmark Price Change


% Change
Detached 481,400 487,900 6,500 1.35%
Semi Detached 397,500 397,700 200 0.05%
Attached – Row 288,400 286,500 -1,900 -0.66%
Apartment 251,500 248,200 -3,300 -1.31%
Total City 418,500 424,600 6,100 1.46%



Explanation of our Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot.

Stay ahead of everyone else by following our Monthly Market Snapshot of the Calgary Real Estate Market. This shows what’s really happening! The market is driven by supply and demand so here we show the inventory (supply) and sales (demand) and most importantly the relationship between the two and how it affects the price of Calgary Real Estate.  A simple way to keep up to date with how the market is trending and to stay ahead of most! All numbers are taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Stats package for Realtors. I have also included some general comments which are simply my opinion.

Months of Inventory:  If we did not list any more homes this is how many months it would take to deplete inventory.

Months of Inventory/Absorption Rate – the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month). What does this mean you might ask?

Buyer’s Market >4.0 Drives prices down
Balanced Market Between 2.4 to 4.0 Prices typically remain stable
Seller’s Market <2.4 Drives prices up


 **Please note that these numbers include only Calgary and do change on a community basis, and more so for towns.  This report does not include rural properties and does not consider differences in different price ranges.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.  If you have any questions about this summary or about Real Estate in general, please feel free to contact us.