Archive for the ‘Property Values’ Category

May 2015 Market Snapshot

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Stay ahead of the curve by following our Monthly Market Snapshot of the Calgary Real Estate Market. This shows what’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market. The market is driven by supply and demand so here we show the inventory (supply) and sales (demand) and the effect on the price of Calgary Real Estate. A simple way to keep up to date and ahead of most!
Below are the details along with a few comments, all numbers were taken from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Stats package for Realtors.
Want to see stats specific to your Community? Register for our Market Report at
Find out what your Neighbor’s home sold for – Register for our Market Report at

April saw a decrease in inventory and an increase in sales resulting in a stronger market. This puts us into a balanced market position overall. Detached and Attached homes are now in a sellers’ market position while apartment condos are in a balanced market position.

Calgary Listing Inventory: It is interesting to see that the inventory went down this month. This is partially due to not as many new listings hit the market and that sales increased. This is opposite of what I would normally expect for April.

Inventory  March  2015 April  2015 Change
Detached 3016 3024 +8
Attached 1258 1207 -51
Apartment 1419 1348 -71
Total City of Calgary 5693 5579 -114

Calgary Sales:
Sales in all categories increased this month. This is a normal trend where getting near the summer the sales increase.

Sales March  2015 April  2015    Change % Change
Detached 1061 1149 +88 +8.3%
Attached 387 458 +71 +18.3%
Apartment 299 350 +51 +17.0%
Total City of Calgary 1747 1957 +210 +12.0%

Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:
Prices in all categories decreased marginally this month. The largest decrease is in the detached home category which is a little surprising as this is the category that is in the strongest market position. Based on the absorption rate below my prediction is that detached and attached homes will stay fairly stable while apartment condos should see decreases until our sales/inventory ratio balances out.

  Sales Prices March  2015 Benchmark Price  April  2015

Benchmark Price

Detached 513,800 510,200 -3,600
Attached 354,800 353,300 -1,500
Apartment 293,300 291,300 -2,000
Total City of Calgary 454,300 451,600 -2,700

Sales Prices “Year to Date”
Year to date prices – All categories have decreased.

Sales Prices Dec 31, 2014   Benchmark Price  April  2015 Benchmark Price Change


% Change
Detached 518,600 510,200 -8,400 -1.6%
Attached 356,200 353,300 -2,900 -.8%
Apartment 300,400 291,300 -9,100 3.0%
Total City of Calgary 459,500 451,600 -7,900 -1.7%

Absorption Rate (Months of Inventory) (the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month). What does this mean you might ask?

Buyer’s Market >4.0 Drives prices down
Balanced Market Between 2.8 to 4.0 Prices typically remain stable
Seller’s Market <2.8 Drives prices up

*** Absorption Rate:
The absorption rate decreased again for all categories. What this means is that the relation to sales over inventory decreased. This puts detached homes and attached homes into a seller’s market, while apartment condos have now moved from a buyer’s market to a balanced market.

Absorption Rate   March  2015 April  2015 Change
Detached 2.84 2.63 -.21
Attached 3.25 2.64 -.61
Apartment 4.75 3.85 -.9
Total City of Calgary 3.26 2.85 -.41

**Please note that these numbers do change on a community basis and more so for towns. If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know. If you have any questions about this summary, the attached stats package or any Real Estate questions please feel free to contact us.

If you know anyone else who might enjoy seeing our monthly summary please feel free to pass this on. Gord, Eric, Brent & Amy
TSW Real Estate Group

Aug 2013 Calgary Real Estate market snapshot

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Want to know what”s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market.  The market is driven by supply and demand so here we show the inventory (supply) and sales (demand) and the effect on the price of Calgary Real Estate.   In summary the Calgary housing market is still very strong and we are moving even deeper into a Sellers Market.

Below are the details along with a few comments, all numbers were taken  from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Stats package for Realtors.

Calgary Listing Inventory:  Inventory levels for all categories decreased again throughout July.  If you have been following my reports the Inventory levels had been increasing a little every month until last month.  This may very well be due to the flooding disaster in Calgary where some listings were taken off the market.


June  2013    

July  2013   


Single Family Home




Condo    Townhouse




Condo    Apartment









Calgary Sales: 

Sales decreased in all categories except apartment condos this month.   Following the trends of the last few years we are getting into summer vacations when people take holidays and therefore the sales numbers drop a little.  A very normal change.


June  2013 

July  2013  


% Change

Single   Family Home





Condo  Townhouse





Condo   Apartment











Calgary Real Estate We used another online defensive driving school school for our other son. Sales Prices:  Please note that we are now using the Benchmark price for this comparison.

In July, the benchmark price increased slightly for all categories except townhouses which saw a small drop.  This is simply a reflection demand outpacing supply and will continue until the inventory starts to increase faster than sales.

Sales Prices

June  2013

Benchmark Price

July  2013

 Benchmark Price  


Single   Family Homes




Condo   Townhouse




Condo  Apartment




 Sales Prices  “Year to Date”   

Year to date prices have increased in all categories.

Sales Prices Dec  31 2012    Benchmark Price 

July  2013

Benchmark Price 


% Change

Single   Family Homes





Condo   Townhouse





Condo  Apartment






Absorption Rate (Months of Inventory)   (the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month). What does this mean you might ask?

Buyer’s Market


Balanced Market

Between 2.8 to 4.0

Seller’s Market



Absorption Rate:  Throughout July our absorption rate decreased in all categories. With inventory shrinking faster than sales are slowing it is now pushing us into a stronger “Sellers market position”.

Absorption Rate  

June 2013 

July 2013  


Single   Family Homes




Condo   Townhouse




Condo  Apartment




Total   Calgary




**Please note that these numbers do change on a community basis and more so for towns.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.


June 2013, Calgary Real Estate Market Snapshot

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Want to know what’s really happening in the Calgary Real Estate Market.  The market is driven by supply and demand so here we show the inventory (supply) and sales (demand) and the effect on the price of Calgary Real Estate.   In summary the Calgary housing market is still very strong.  Sales are strong and our inventory is on the low side making it a strong  Seller’s market.

Below are the details along with a few comments, all numbers were taken  from the Calgary Real Estate Boards Stats package for Realtors.

Calgary Listing Inventory:  Inventory levels for all categories decreased throughout June which is a little bit of a twist.  If you have been following my reports the Inventory levels have been increasing a little every week until last week when they went down by 240 listings.  This is most likely due to the flooding disaster in Calgary where some listings were taken off the market.  I believe that the trend of increasing inventory will start back next week.


May   2013    

June  2013   


Single Family Home




Condo    Townhouse




Condo    Apartment








Calgary Sales: 

Sales decreased in all categories this month.   Following the trends of the last few years we are getting into summer vacations when people take holidays and therefore the sales numbers drop a little.

What is important to note here is that our sales decreased a higher percentage than our inventory decreased moving us a little closer to a buyer’s market (although we have a long way to go) to get there.   Interestingly enough sales each week in June we about the same with no drop at all during the flood and early stages of clean up.  


May  2013 

June  2013  


% Change

Single   Family Home





Condo  Townhouse





Condo   Apartment











Calgary Real Estate Sales Prices:  Please note that we are now using the Benchmark price for this comparison.

In June, the benchmark price increased slightly for all categories. This is simply a reflection demand outpacing supply and should continue until the inventory starts to increase faster than sales.     

Sales Prices

May  2013

Benchmark Price

June  2013

 Benchmark Price  


Single   Family Homes




Condo   Townhouse




Condo  Apartment





Sales Prices  “Year to Date”   

Year to date prices have increased in all categories.

Sales Prices Dec  31 2012    Benchmark Price 

June  2013

Benchmark Price 


% Change

Single   Family Homes





Condo   Townhouse





Condo  Apartment





 Absorption Rate (Months of Inventory)   (the inventory divided by the number of sales in the last month). What does this mean you might ask?

Buyer’s Market


Balanced Market

Between 2.8 to 4.0

Seller’s Market



Absorption Rate:  Throughout June there was little change in the absorption rate although the direction is moving towards a more balanced market.

Absorption Rate  

May  2013 

June 2013  


Single   Family Homes




Condo   Townhouse




Condo  Apartment




Total   Calgary




**Please note that these numbers do change on a community basis and more so for towns.  If you would like to find stats on your community just let me know.

If you have any questions about this summary, the attached stats package or any Real Estate questions please feel free to contact us.  

Gord, Eric, Brent & Jason

Is Free Market Snapshot for me?

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Here is a neat new tool to help you keep on top of whats happening in your Community in the Calgary Real Estate Market.

Our new Market Snapshot gives you a report once a month or you can choose how often. Here is what the report includes:

  •  Current Listings
  • Sold Listings – yes,  you can now see what your neighbour’s house sold for
  • Average Price
  • Median Price
  • Days on Market
  • Sold price compared to list price .  What is awesome about this report is that it is based on whatever you enter as your postal code so you can create one report for your home and another for an investment property or for an area you interested in buying in.

To see a sample report click here Click here to see the report   This is a report I set up for myself for Charleswood in NW Calgary.

If you like the idea and want to sign up, click here – your only a few steps away

Any questions please contact me.


Calgary Real Estate Market Watch

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Are you tired of getting general or old information about the Calgary Real Estate Market?

Want to keep up to date with today’s market?

We are pleased  to offer you a new free market report delivered to your email  bi-weekly, monthly or bi-monthly – your choice.   The great thing about this report is you are in control – the information sent is based on what you ask for. 

The report is based on the postal code you enter and provides you with graphs, data on listings, sold listings and days on market.  You can even drill down and look at specific sold listings.

To view a sample report: Click here to see the report

If you like what you see and would like to set up your own Market Report go to

We will send you no other unsolicited info – just what you ask for.  You can also unsuscribe anytime!

Courtesy of Gord Piper and Associates with CIR Realty.

For more information contact us.

Housing Market Outlook, First Quarter 2011 by CMHC

Monday, February 21st, 2011
Looking for excellent information on Canada’s Housing Market.  Here’s information you should not pass up.
C a n a d a M o r t g a g e a n d H o u s i n g C o r p o r a t i o n produces a quarterly report  broken down by provinces.  In these reports you will find:
  • National Outlook
  • Trends at a Glance
  • Provincial Outlooks including housing starts, resale homes and prices
Charts showing history and predictions on Housing starts, Resale numbers, Prices, Employment, Unemployment, GDP, Key Market Indicators including Rental Vacancy rates.
To view the latest report see CMHC.  If you like what you see you can also subscribe to receive this report directly from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
If you have further questions about the local Calgary Real Estate Market please contact us.
This entry was posted in CMHC Housing Market Outlook and tagged Business/Finance, Calgary, Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Bookmark the permalink.

Yes, I Want To Know What My Calgary Property Is Worth!

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

The Real Estate market is constantly changing, making it difficult to always assess the current value. As a trained Calgary Real Estate professional, I have the right knowledge and tools to determine your home”s value. What is your property worth in today”s market in your area? Let me help!

Century 21 CalgaryBy utilizing a “Right Price Analysis”, we will be able to access what your property is valued at today.

During the FREE Home Evaluation, your Calgary Real Estate professional can recommend on:

  • Tax issues
  • How bank appraisals work
  • Current Financing Options
  • About building inspections
  • How to sell your home Taking a traffic driving test course can also earn you a discount on your car insurance premiums. for maximum dollar
  • Financing questions – Should you refinance or get a new mortgage
  • Tips and tricks that will help you save thousands buying a home
  • Low cost repairs that could instantly increase the value of your home
  • Additional fees to keep in mind when selling

To receive more information about my listing services, call Gord or email today.